What Are Peptides?

  • Peptide therapy is a new and exciting way of helping you increase your health and wellness.

  • Peptides are made up of a small chain of amino acids, most peptides act as neurotransmitters, while some act like hormones. In fact, many control and influence how our bodies react to stress, diet, and exercise.

  • As we age, human growth hormone production declines. After age 30, levels drop by about 1% each year. Consequently, our bodies begin to show signs of aging which appears in a loss of muscle, energy, sexual function, and overall vitality.

  • Peptides have the ability to boost your body’s own natural growth hormone production.

  • There are different peptides that can help you increase lean muscle mass, lower body fat, improve your sexual performance, increase growth hormone production, and help repair ligaments and tendons

  • The Total Vitality Team will work with you in determining the best peptide(s) to fit your individual needs.


What are Peptides?

Peptides are a type of biological molecule whose foundation is similar to protein, but they are much smaller than proteins, which makes them easier to absorb. Peptides are made after combining small strings of amino acids, and usually, the length of this string ranges from 2 to 50 amino acids. Peptides are present in every living organism and food item. 

Peptides are naturally present in food items like Eggs, meat, fish, soy, flax seeds, and oats. However, because of our poor diets and fast lifestyle, it is difficult to get enough peptides, so we can't rely on just natural food items. 

What Peptides do.

So your body naturally has peptides, and the main reason such biological molecules are essential is that your body is used to having them. Their decreased quantity may significantly affect your body and its functioning. There are many peptides, and every type does something unique to the body. To keep it simple and crisp, the basic function of peptides is that they act as hormones and transfer messages from one muscle to another while flowing through our blood.

Other than this main task, peptides do a lot of other functions as they are present in every cell of our body and impact every area of our body in some way.

Benefits of Peptides

Peptides are essential for our body as they bring in so many benefits.

Peptide slows down the aging process.

Aging is natural, and it will eventually happen. One can never run away from it, but peptides help slow down the natural aging process and act as a solid defense against premature aging. 

A collagen peptide is a type of peptide that helps in collagen production. Collagen is naturally present in our skin and maintains the elasticity of our skin. With time and due to negligence, collagen production slows down, and all those wrinkles start appearing on the skin. Collagen peptide improves the collagen level to keep the skin young and youthful.

Peptides help with pain Relief and a Healthy body.

Peptides not only help with the aesthetics of the body, like skin and hair, but they also help a lot in relieving pain, reducing inflammation, healing wounds, reducing chronic pain, and accelerating the healing process. 

Peptides also help keep the body healthy by improving the immune system, killing microbes, and acting as antioxidants.

Peptides help with weight loss.

Peptides are used to make weight loss easy without compromising the strength and endurance of the body. They are widely used for weight, help reduce fat with lipolysis, and help in developing lean body mass and new muscles. 

Peptides help with osteoporosis and bone loss.

Peptides help minimize and heal osteoporosis-related pain in the knees, shoulders, and spine. They increase bone mineral density and can help in preventing age-related bone loss. They also reduce the inflammatory conditions that happen with aging.


  • Nutraceuticals are an essential component. However, they also help maximize the bioavailability and absorption of hormones when undergoing hormone replacement therapy. This helps give your body the best results possible

  • It is nearly impossible to obtain all the nutrients and minerals a body needs with today’s food. Because of this, nutraceuticals are a vital part of your treatment plan. They help to fill in the nutrient and mineral gaps in your diet as well as assist in your healing and health optimization.

 Additional Supplements

Additional supplements that we use at Total Vitality are available for direct purchase through our partners

Total Vitality is committed to taking an individualized and integrative approach to your health and wellness. We offer these additional therapies to help you achieve optimal health and vitality.